Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hello up there! Humans don’t like me very much, I don’t really understand why. I wash my body all the time and clean up after myself, I don’t live in sewers like I am stereotyped to be, but anyways I really wish Humans loved me, life would be so much easier but it’s not so I have to keep my voice low, for fear of getting caught. If I get caught I will probably be decapitated or at least hit really hard! They think that I’m dumb enough to fall for that trap! It’s obviously a trap, why would there be a random rectangle with cheese attached to metal on it?
I am at this place mostly because my home is here but partly because I love food, I mean who doesn’t? And where there is a gathering of humans, there’s food! I’m what they call a “crumb sweeper”; basically I eat all the leftovers. I don’t see what the big deal about weddings is; I don’t even know what they are. Why is everyone crying? Is this a mourning event? Everyone is dressed in happy colors though. So it can’t possibly be mourning. That priest is kind of creepy looking from down here, maybe that’s why?
Man that organ is drumming blaring tunes in my ears! They are very catchy though. Oh no everyone just stood up! Maybe they saw me? I’m going to die! Tell my family I love them! Uh-oh a lady in a white dress just walked in, Phew! Not an exterminator! Thank Cheesus, Praise Gouda! Yay! Everyone sat down, I’m in the clear! That is so cute the guy gave the girl a ring! And she gave him one too! Now the priest is talking she said I DO, and he did too! Is that significant to anything? Aww the lady in white kissed the guy in the black tuxedo! How adorable! They are dancing! Whoa the lights went low, maybe there’s a search hunt going on! Ok good the lights are back on and the music has stopped!
Finally, my favorite part! Food time! Maybe I can scurry over there without being seen, I’m very sly. I ran right across the floor, are they blind? Well thank Gouda they didn’t see me! Oh yeah I’m under the table safely!
WOAH! Why did she just throw cake into that guys face? Did someone just yell “Food Fight?” Why would you want to fight with food? Oh my it’s a gift from cheesus! There is cake raining down from the sky, it’s like a dream come true! My family will have a mighty fine feast tonight! Never in my wildest fantasies did I ever imagine that food would rain down from the sky in wonderful majestic pieces of wondrous beauty, did you ever see such a magnificent event? Ok I stuffed my bag with a year’s worth full of food! Uh-oh, did someone just shriek “MOUSE!?” Well that’s my cue, It was nice meeting you, gotta scurry BYE!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Dear Barack Obama #2
One major question I have is how would you have handled September 11 if this crisis had happened on your watch? Would you have handled it the same as former President Bush? (Who I personally had little problems with because he kept us safe over the 8 years.)What would you have done differently if you would have done something differently?
Another major question I have is why do you want to bring the troops home, when war is clearly nowhere near to being over? Why are you putting a time stamp on the war? One thing I think could be changed is your plan for the war. There is a proper time and place for the pullout of troops from Iraq.Everyone wants to end it (including me), but there is no way possible right now. We are stuck. You can argue whether we went in the first place was good or not, it doesn't matter, point is we are still there and we can’t leave until the job is finished, otherwise all the soldiers who fought and died would have died in vain. We can't leave now otherwise everything will go back to the way it was and we would have circled around and completed nothing! And you shouldn't put a time limit on this war it is extremely dangerous and the Iraqis need help and we are there to help them until they can do it on their own And they are nowhere near ready for that yet! We can't back out until our mission is completed!
One of the important issues I believe in is abortion, I am pro-life but it should be up to the states to decide, but my issue is with your quote "I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."-Barack Obama
Since when is a human life a punishment? All human life is equal baby or not, a child is not a punishment. It was her choice, her responsibility. Unless it wasn’t her choice, but it’s still not a punishment. Where do you think hope resides? The government, The American people, You, God? How do you define the word hope?
Thanks for taking the time to read this And I would like you to seriously consider what I have written and actually think about it and May God give you the wisdom that you need and the strength and courage to handle such a heavy responsibility may he be with you always as you face these very tough decisions. God bless you and your family. Brittanie Ford
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Dear Barack Obama
President Barack Obama,
Congratulations on making to the presidency! You now have a very huge responisibilty!! Its an honor to be writing to you ,however i have a few questions on what you could do to better this country and some suggestions.One major question I have is how would you have handled September 11 if this crisis had happened on your watch? Would you have handled it the same as former President Bush? What would you have done differently if you would have done something differently?
One other question i have is what are you going to do about the immigration crisis? What about all the illegal immigrants? Should they not be here?
Another major question I have is Why do you want to bring the troops home? This war is clearly no where near to being over? Why are you putting a time stamp on the war? Things don't always follow a schedule! Things can change in the blink of an eye.
One of the important issues i have is abortion, I am pro-life but it should be up to the states to decide. But i have a question on your abortion policy "I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." Since when is a human life a punishment? All human life is equal baby or not, a child is not a punishment. it was her choice,her responsibility. unless it wasnt her choice but its still not a punishment.
One thing i think could be changed is your plan for the war. There is a proper time and place for the pullout of troops from Iraq. You can argue wether we went in the first place was good or not it doesn't matter, point is we are still there and we cant leave until the job is finished, otherwise all the soilders who fought and died would have died in vain. We can't leave now otherwise everything will go back to the way it was and we would have circled around and completed nothing! And you shouldn't put a time limit on this war it is extremely dangerous and the Iraquis need help and we are there to help them until they can do it on their own And they are nowhere near ready for that yet! We can't back out until mission is completed!!
Where do you think hope resides? The government? The american people? You? God? How do you define the word hope?
Thanks for taking the time to read this And i would like you to seriously consider what i have written and acutally think about it and May God give you the wisdom that you need and the strength and courage to handle such a heavy responsibility may he be with you always as you face these very tough decisions. God bless you and your family.
Brittanie Ford